WHO: Members
WHY: Hear an introduction from Executive Director Keith Kaiser about the history of the botanic garden and where it is today. Followed by a tour of the garden.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Tour 10:00 AM -12:00 PM. Optional Lunch at Panera Settler's Ridge a short 10-minute drive immediately following the tour. Let us know if interested. Tentatively planned from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM.
WHERE: Pittsburgh Botanic Garden, 799 Pinkerton Run Rd, Oakdale, PA 15071
COST: $10
PARKING: Free. Public lot off of Pinkerton Run Road
RSVP: by May 28, 2019. Max attendance 30 people.
Will attend tour | $ 10.00 |
Will attend tour and go out for lunch | $ 10.00 |
Webinar Event