Donate to Pittsburgh

Why Give to ARCS Foundation Pittsburgh?


We invest in basic research that leads to innovation and societal impact.

We provide financial awards to the best and brightest doctoral candidates studying in science, engineering or medical research at ARCS-approved departments and programs at the University of Pittsburgh or Carnegie Mellon University.

Society’s greatest questions - a new cure for a disease or an innovative new technology - will be answered by these outstanding researchers at work today in our colleges and universities.

100% OF EVERY DOLLAR you donate to our Scholar Awards Fund GOES DIRECTLY TO THE SCHOLARS.

Our Scholars thank you for your generosity and support!


If you prefer to donate to the Scholar Award Fund, but an amount other than those listed above, please enter that amount here. *** When entering dollar amounts, do not enter dollar signs ($), or commas. Please enter numbers only. *** If paying via credit card, please add an additional 3.3% to offset credit card fees.
Total Amount
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Pittsburgh Donaion Profile