Endowed Scholar Award Donors

With Gratitude to Our Endowed Scholar Award Donors!

Endowments provide perpetual revenue for scholar awards and are critical to fulfilling our mission. Through the extraordinary generosity of ARCS Foundation donors, ARCS Pittsburgh has established 14 endowments totaling over $1,600,000 and involving thirty five individual donors. The generosity of these donors will stretch far into the future and impact countless lives through discoveries to be made by scientists not yet born. These donors have chosen to support ARCS Pittsburgh Scholars in perpetuity by establishing the endowed awards listed below.

Carnegie Mellon University

John and Missy Unkovic ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment 
Established 2023-2024
Donor: Missy Unkovic
Designated to the Mellon College of Science 

ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment in Memory of Jack and Gen Esgar
Established 2022-2023
Donors: Amy and Keith Arner
Designated to the Mellon College of Science for the first three award cycles and thereafter unrestricted across eligible programs in the College of Engineering (CIT), Mellon College of Science (MCS) and School of Computer Science (SCS)

Jeanne B. and Richard F. Berdik ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2018-2019

Donors: Jeanne B. and Richard F. Berdik
Designated to the School of Computer Science (SCS) for the first three award cycles and thereafter unrestricted across eligible programs in the College of Engineering (CIT), Mellon College of Science (MCS) and School of Computer Science (SCS)

Fleischner-ARCS Pittsburgh Member Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2019-2020

Donors: Leslie A. and Hans* Fleischner, Frederica Cryan, Sue and Michael Harter, The Learmonth Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation (Lizbeth and Glenn H. Gillette), Mary Ann Templeton
Designated to the School of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Institute of Technology (CIT) for the first three award cycles and thereafter unrestricted across eligible programs in the College of Engineering (CIT), Mellon College of Science (MCS) and School of Computer Science (SCS)

Professor Virgil Gligor and Alicia Avery ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment 
Established 2018-2019

Donors: Professor Virgil D. Gligor and Alicia M. Avery
Designated to the College of Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology (CIT)

Gookin Family Foundation ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2018-2019

Donors: Gookin Family Foundation (Cristy Gookin)
Designated to Mellon College of Science for the first three award cycles and thereafter unrestricted across eligible programs in the College of Engineering (CIT), Mellon College of Science (MCS) and School of Computer Science (SCS)

Catharine and John Ryan ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2018-2019

Donors: Catharine M. Ryan and John T. Ryan III
Designated to Mellon College of Science (MCS)

University Of Pittsburgh

Jeanne B. and Richard F. Berdik ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2025-2026

Donors: Jeanne B. and Richard F. Berdik
Designated to the School of Computer Science (SCS) for the first three award cycles and thereafter unrestricted across eligible programs in the College of Engineering (CIT), Mellon College of Science (MCS) and School of Computer Science (SCS)

Collins/Citrin - Cwenar ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2025-2026

Donors: Sheila K. Collins and Richard Citrin in memory of Corinne Collins Weber, Betsy and Dan Cwenar, Merrilee H. Salmon
Designated to any ARCS Pittsburgh-approved department or program

Beukema-Carrow/Kyper-Kemerer-Wainwright ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2022-2023
Donors: Charlotte and Henry Beukema, Cynthia Carrow and James Kyper, Russ Kemerer, Beth Wainwright
Designated to any ARCS Pittsburgh approved department or program with a preference for rotation among ARCS approved departments and programs

ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment in Honor of Timothy F. Burke, Jr. and Linda Beerbower Burke
Established 2021-2022

Donors: JoAnn Patross and Fred Peters, Melissa R. Marshall, Anne and Rudolph Houck, Lynn and Steve Silberman
Designated to non-medical research in any ARCS Pittsburgh approved department or program

Elliott-Martin-Meadowcroft-Testoni ARCS Pittsburgh Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2021-2022

Donors: Beverlynn and Steven G. Elliott, Jennifer L. Martin and James C. Martin, Pamela Meadowcroft, Kathy and Lou Testoni
Designated to any ARCS Pittsburgh approved department or program for qualifying doctoral students conducting research at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh

Rivers-Zawadzki-ARCS Pittsburgh Member Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2021-2022

Donors: Dick and Annie Rivers, Paula Zawadzki, Dona and Tom Hotopp, Connie and Mike Phillips
Designated to any ARCS Pittsburgh-approved department or program

Crawford-Stockman-ARCS Pittsburgh Member Scholar Award Endowment
Established 2020-2021

Donors: Anne and Jack Crawford, Carol and Paul Stockman, Linda Beerbower Burke, Becky and Tom McGough
Designated to any ARCS Pittsburgh approved department or program


Scholar Showcase
Russ Kemerer and Beth Wainwright with Scholar, Lisa Hong
Scholar Showcase
Jeanne and Dick Berdik with Scholar
Donor Appreciation Reception
Becky McGough & Betsy Cwenar