Officers and Directors



An elected board of directors oversees all phases of ARCS Foundation Pittsburgh. At board meetings, the work and progress of the committees are discussed. Officers of the Pittsburgh Board include president (or co-presidents), vice president, secretary, treasurer, and in some years, immediate past president/s or president-elect.

Committees include Communications, Finance, Fund Development, Membership, Nominating, Program, Planning, Scholar Relations, and University Relations. In addition, a non-Board member who plays a key leadership role is the chair of our Scholar Celebration held in the spring. Our Donor Appreciation Reception, held in the fall, is hosted by our university partners.

The fiscal year is July 1 –June 30, with the annual meeting held each May. The year’s largest event is the Scholar Celebration in the Spring, when the scholars present information about their work in highly interactive formats.

Officers and Board of Directors - July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025

Co-Presidents Anne Crawford and Linda Thier
Secretary Julia Gleason
Treasurer JoAnn Patross
Treasurer Assistant Angela Maher
Co-Communications Amy Arner and Vicky Guscoff
Development Jeanne Berdik
Co-Membership Anne Houck and Becky McGough
Nominating Paula Zawadzki
Co-Programming Carol Goldburg and Rosemary Mendel
Co-University Relations Lacey Carroll and Betsy Cwenar
Scholar Relations Leslie Dunn
IT Beth Wainwright