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ARCS Scholar Congratulations!

Posted on Monday, July 15, 2013

Congratulations to Whitney Coyle, The Bennett-Coppersmith-Palmer Scholar at Penn State, 2010-2013!

Whitney is in State College at the moment and recently received the following good news:

I applied this year for some extra funds through NSF and through the French Embassy in Washington, DC to fund my travels back and forth from France to the United States and I was lucky enough to receive both of the fellowships I applied for:

The NSF-GROW fellowship (National Science Foundation - Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide - FRANCE) as well as the French Embassy of the United State's Chateaubriand Fellowship (The Chateaubriand Fellowship -  Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) - is a grant offered by the Office for Science and Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France in the United States). I am so thankful for these opportunities and I know that ARCS has always had a large part in my success here at Penn State. 
